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Forex market is divided into four major sessions: Sydney, Tokyo, London, and New York.

The market is open 24/7, but that doesn't mean it's always buzzing. Learn when it's prime time to trade.

Forex Trading Sessions - Your Guide to Optimal Trading Times

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Busiest time to trade Forex

  • The busiest times are when two sessions overlap, like Tokyo and London (3-4 AM ET) or London and New York (8 AM-12 PM ET).

  • More volume during overlaps means more action.

Does the Forex market open on Sunday?

Yes, the forex market opens on Sunday. It opens on Sunday at 5 PM EST and closes on Friday 5 PM EST. Forex opens on Sunday in the UK around 9:00 PM local time and in Los Angeles 2 PM local time.

Does trading work on Sunday?

Trading can work on Sunday, but it might not be as dynamic as during the regular trading week. Watch out for thinner markets. It's important to note that Sunday trading tends to be less active compared to the rest of the trading week

Can you do trading on Sunday and is it good to trade forex on Sunday?

  • It depends. Trading on Sunday can be less active, with fewer market participants. Some traders avoid it due to potential low liquidity.

  • Yes, you can trade on Sunday, but be mindful of lower liquidity and potential price gaps.

Pip Movement

A pip, short for "percentage in point," represents the smallest price movement in an exchange rate. Here's a snapshot of average pip movements for major currency pairs during each trading session.

Tokyo Session

  • Generally offers moderate pip movements.

  • Certain currency pairs, like USD/JPY, may see more significant moves.

London Session

  • Known for providing the most substantial pip movements.

  • Major currency pairs, such as EUR/USD and GBP/USD, often exhibit increased volatility.

New York Session

  • Features robust pip movements, especially in pairs involving the USD.

  • Prime time for trading USD-related pairs like EUR/USD and USD/JPY.

So, there you have it! Understanding Forex Trading Sessions is like having a key to the market's rhythm. Knowing when to trade can make a big difference in your strategy. Keep those overlap times in mind for maximum action, and remember, each session has its own unique flavor. Happy trading, and may your pips be plentiful!

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